Tuesday, 14 September 2010


David Bentley, one of my colleagues who coachessingles, has identified a "syndrome" which he calls "TheSingles Blues." It's when you feel inferior because you don't have apartner, or when being single overwhelms you so much thai you just want tocrawl under the covers and hide. David identifies four "symptoms" ofthe Singles Blues. Do you recognize any of them in yourself?

1. Holding onto the Past: When it comes to dating, do you hesitate tomake the first move because in the past you got snubbed by someone or turneddown for a date? Are you wailing for others to approach you? Do you becomedepressed and/or angry when they don't? Holding on to the past can cause us tolake the same unsuccessful actions we've always taken, expecting them to workthis time if we just try harder. Sometimes we even hold onto physical objectsfrom the past. Do you still have love let tors from a formersweetheart who is now married and has six children? Is that faded rose fromyour first date still pressed between pages of Rumi poems? Isn't it time to getrid of the physical and emotional remnants of the past and embrace your presentand future?

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